UK 1841
1901USA 1850
Resources (This section is under construction and some links are not yet active. They will be activated as new material is added. If you would like to be notified when this happens, please see Netherwood Mailing List )
This section should be thought of as keys to data held by the Study rather than the data itself, although many entries will be useful on their own. Some entries may constitute all that is known for that item, but very often additional information is available on request.
Dates are in the format Where items are preceded by +, a copy of the document, an abstract or other substantial information is on file. For explanatory notes on each resource category, use the links below. Links at the left will take you directly to the main page for that category.
VITAL RECORDS are births, marriages and deaths (BMD's). The Study maintains vital records in four tables — births, deaths, marriages of men and marriages of women. Data is sorted by first name irrespective of middle name, then by date.
BIRTHS, BAPTISMS. Wherever known, the date of birth is given, otherwise the date of baptism. Full information may include date of birth and/or baptism, first name, middle name, surname spelling, father's name, mother's name, parent description (usually occupation), place, source and any notes.
Includes spouse index. In a few cases only the date of license or banns is known (indicated 'lic' or 'bn'); these are not proof that a marriage actually took place. A full marriage entry might include first name, middle name, surname variant, age, description, marriage date; spouse name, age and description; parents' names, place, sources and notes.![]()
DEATHS, BURIALS. Date of death is given where known, otherwise the date of burial; in a few cases a death is known only from the probate date, indicated by "by" after the date. Probate can occur many years after a death, however. Ages noted "abt" (about) are calculated from age at death or census, etc., and should be correct within a year. A complete entry from this list might include the date of death and/or burial, first name, middle name, surname spelling, age, description, name of spouse or parent or other relation, place of death or burial or residence at time of death, sources and notes.
GRO/GROS tables are extractions of Netherwood / Neatherwood from birth, marriage and death indexes primarily of the General Register Office for England and Wales, rearranged by name to enable browsing. The relatively few entries from the General Register Office of Scotland have been integrated, identified by "S" in the Quarter column and (SCT) after the district.Please note! GRO indexes can be difficult to read and despite every effort to be accurate these entries may contain errors. Because of extensive cross-checking via fiche, film and on-line images and transcriptions, however, these tables are probably more accurate than others.
Barring possible errors of omission, GRO entries for Netherwood are complete from the start of civil registration in September 1837 through 1929. For births and marriages, further years may be held by the Study but will not appear on the web site. Deaths will be added in increments of ten years up to the 1980's.
English and Welsh registration districts often straddled two or even three counties; over time many were added and others merged. The invaluable Genuki site includes precise descriptions of registration districts as well as a list of registration offices past and present showing where records are now. For information about certificates themselves and instructions on ordering from both the GRO and local register offices, Barbara Dixon's Registration Web Page is most helpful. Or you may visit the GRO's order page directly; payment accepted by credit card from overseas.
by first name irrespective of middle name, then year, quarter, registration district.- GRO/S MARRIAGES
by first name irrespective of middle name, then year, quarter, registration district.- GRO/S DEATHS
by first name irrespective of middle name, then age, year, quarter, registration district.
GROS records are available on line and can be searched and printed for a fee. Records for Netherwood in Scotland are few, however, and probably all are held by Netherwood ONS.
SSDI entries are extractions of Netherwood from the United States Social Security Administration's Death Index, the closest the US comes to a vital record index at the federal level. Birth as well as death dates are included, but the index does not cover everyone. With information from the full index, a copy of the deceased person's application for a social security number can be ordered from the SSA. The full SSDI can be consulted at RootsWeb among other sites.CENSUS records held by the Study are extractions from UK Censuses 1841, the earliest of genealogical value, through 1901, the latest released, and from US Federal Censuses 1850, the earliest in which Netherwoods have yet been found, through 1930, the latest released, excluding 1890 which was almost completely destroyed by fire. A very few Scottish census entries have been integrated with England and Wales. All members of households with at least one Netherwood have been extracted. In the case of hotels, schools, workhouses, etc., only the Netherwoods have been extracted; these can be identified in the indexes by # following the census location. The full household or institutional extract may be requested for any individual indexed on the census pages; please provide the census year and ID number from the index with your request.
Census listings on this site are either "complete" extractions, from censuses which have been fully indexed, or "collected" -- Netherwood households found to date for a given census year. UK censuses are now "complete" as all have been indexed. Any "complete" census extraction may still be missing some Netherwoods, however, due to enumerator or transcriber error, i.e. the name may have been mis-heard or misread (as Netherford or Wetherwood, for example), or because the originals are missing or lost.
UK 1841 -full
1851 -full
1861 -index1871 -index
1881 -index
1891 -index1901 -index
USA 1850 -collected
1860 -collected
1870 -collected1880 -complete
1890 (destroyed)
1900 -collected1910 -collected
1920 -collected
1930 -collected
DIRECTORY extracts to date have been collected from city, county and regional directories for the United Kingdom and United States only. These lists contain only historical data, in keeping with the Study's policy of not publishing data on living persons. Many areas within and outside the UK and USA remain to be checked, so these lists are expected to grow. A full entry for the UK might include little more than the full address, businesses usually being listed separately from residences. US directories often combine a person's home and place of business or employment in a single entry, so this is usually available in addition to the full address.
PROBATE. Collected records by name of principal then date of grant -- wills, administrations (Adm, A) for persons who died intestate, inventories (Inv), bonds, tuitions, etc. Transcripts or abstracts are on file for items indicated by '+' in the first column, but sometimes the probate register entry alone contains valuable information. From 1858 on, register entries generally state the deceased's name and address, date and place of death and to whom probate or administration was granted, sometimes with other information such as occupations or relationships; such entries on file with the Study are indicated by 'E' in the first column.
SHIP LISTS are collected arrivals of Netherwoods as passengers or crew. The full entry may include no more than the ship name, particularly for early arrivals, but some are very detailed with such information as height, color of eyes and hair, name and address of person to whom passenger is going, previous residence, and other information seldom found in other kinds of records.
Many original ship manifests after 1892 can be viewed at the Ellis Island passenger arrivals web site.
ARCHIVAL CITATIONS (UK) are collected instances of Netherwood as a surname in British archive catalogs. Copies of items listed can often be ordered from the archives but the citations themselves contain useful information. At present, most are from on-line catalogs but others will be added as found. Any cataloged items which are acquired by Study are or will be included under the appropriate resource category -- military, etc.
FORENAME entries are collected instances of Netherwood as a first or middle name. These can be important clues to marriage and other family connections. It is possible that entries for females other than birth or baptism reflect a maiden rather than given name.
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