About the StudyA one-name study aims to collect all instances of a surname in any place, at any time. The Netherwood One-Name Study was begun in 2002 by me, Judith Werner, using data from research into my own Netherwood ancestors as a foundation. I have been able to add substantially to it using the resources of the Family History Library in Salt Lake City.
The purpose of this Study is to assist Netherwood researchers and — especially — to help other Netherwoods get started. The Study is open to any legitimate Netherwood researcher; there is no cost and no monetary donations are requested. The web site was launched in 2005 to make the data more readily available and is meant to be beginner-friendly. You are welcome to participate in several ways:
Contact the Study describing your Netherwood connections and what information you are seeking. You can expect a reply within five days unless vacation, computer trouble, etc., intervenes. Please be aware that I am not able to take on research but can only answer inquiries using data on file with the Study.
Browse or search the web site, particularly Resources. The Study is happy to furnish specific information that may be of use to you upon your request. It does not furnish data in bulk, however, so please do not request copies of tables, databases, or the entire Study!
Add your details to Researchers so others may recognize a connection and contact you via the Study.
Join the NETHERWOOD-L mailing list for announcement of additions to the web site and discussion of Netherwood connections and research.
At your option, contribute Netherwood data or photos you may have or volunteer to undertake extractions from a particular source. Such contributions will be gratefully acknowledged on the website unless you request otherwise.
Netherwood and its variant Neatherwood are registered with the Guild of One-Name Studies (GOONS!), a UK-based organization, where they are among 7,000 registered surnames. More information on one-name studies in general as well as the Guild is available at their web site. A check of the Guild Register is particularly recommended for other names you may be researching, keeping in mind that most registered surnames are British. Many GOONS members have been researching for decades and you may discover a most valuable source of information for your research. FONT>
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© 2004-2005 Judith Werner